In this episode I am joined by Ash Kundi and Molly Acharya to teach us how to decolonise the teaching of Hinduism. We look at what we do right, how we can make our language more authentic, explaining the symbols- and we talk a bit about chicken! You'll need to listen to find out why!
Here is a quick glossary to support the episode
Hindu dharma/dharam rather than Hinduism
Swasti for symbol, Use Hackenkreuz for nazi symbol
Su- (good) asti-(existence)
Murtis rather than Idols
Mandir not temple
Varna rather than Caste - coming from Portuguese word casta meaning lineage, colonial influence
Brahman - ultimate reality rather than 'God'
Atman - inner self (pronounced atma)
Ganga rather than Ganges for the river