Happy New Year 2025 and the 5th year of The RE Podcast. And welcome to season 14 of The RE Podcast which is shaping up really nicely. The first half of the season will focus on how we embrace a multi-religious society looking at Islamophobia, Interfaith week, Freedom of Religion or belief and the Sea of Faith Network. Then I am going to explore some smaller religions like The Tao and Shinto. Can't wait to share all this with you.
But first asn episode on the Ethics of AI.
Following the brilliant #REChatUK, last monday about how we use technology in the classroom, I wanted to share with you the thoughts of Henry Taylor.We chatted about the history of AI, concept of consciousness and how you can test for this in Robots and the subsequent moral obligation towards them. We also looked at the ethics of using robots in the care of the elderly. Henry shares some ideas for film clips we can use in the classroom to support our teaching in this area.We also chat briefly about the 'human fingertip' bias in programmes like ChatGTP and the questions we need to answer before this technology evolves.
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