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S10 E11: The One About The Parable Of The Good Samaritan

This is my favourte of Jesus' parables. Quite simply this is because it makes someone in authority look stupid, and it elevates the little guy - the outcasts. But what does the Parable of the Good Samaritan mean? Who are the Samaritans? What would this parable have meant to those listening? What does it mean to love our neighbour as ourselves and how can we use this parable in the the classroom?

This is a story about the hypocricy of religious leaders, and Jesus' expert way of highlighting this, while all the time keeping to the law of Moses. It is about how religious leaders use the law to justify their own actions and condemn those of people they don't like. It is as relevant now as it was 2000 years ago because human nature doesn't change!

It is a lesson to use all to love others but also to love ourselves!




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I want to continue to create the RE Podcast as a FREE resource for teachers. However, there are runnings costs. I have to pay a monthly fee to Buzzsprout to host the podcast, I have to pay a fee for the website and the email address, I have to pay a fee to riverside fm to let me record interviews, plus the recording equipment has been a huge investment and needs updating..

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